Sera Hersham-Loftus / An Interior Genius

Saturday, December 28, 2019

I absolutely adore her way of romancing her space with so my elements. Starting with the cozy plush velvet throw over the sofa to the warm tones and textures of the walls, plants and vintage rugs. The warm lighting sets the perfect tone for a seductive living room that reminds me of old Hollywood circa silent film era. 

Living in The Moment

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

After listening to Eckhart Tole’s audible version of the book “The Power of Now” last summer I have found myself more and more focused on the simple moments of my day. Like in the last post, where I speak of the beauty of the present moment in those photos.

 I naturally always find mind racing from one thought to the next, thoughts like “have I had enough water today? what do I still need to do on my to-do list?” or judgements of myself or others, which are the most annoying and self deprecating. Being too harsh on myself for how I may have come off in a conversation, wondering what someone’s impression was of me - or just being mean to myself, not liking what I wore that day and feeling regret for not taking more time to dress myself or put on more make up because geez my acne really looks bad today and so on…

These thoughts all take away from the beauty of the moment and not only that but the magic of the possibilities that could unfold in that very moment if you were just present. Maybe a new idea for a business or actually making eye contact with your barista and having a lovely conversion - in the moment! Not judging yourself in your mind of what you did in the past or worrying about the future. 

I’m working each day to create a new habit I guess you could say…of living more in the now and not in the past or the later future. I want to really become more aware of the now. So in doing so I can be more pleasant to be around and in a way a truer version of myself, not what my anxieties make me to be. 

Finding Space for Yourself

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ive been taking some time
to slow down
and look around me
breathe in
breathe out
Knowing that this moment
has endless possibility
for inspiration
to make big moves
or to stay still
and just be
for as quickly as it comes
it shall pass
with ease and grace

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