Dressing for Yourself

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sometimes when I'm browsing Instagram or Pinterest or Tumblr( oh the many forms of social media..) and I think, where do I fit in? What kind of "style" do I have? How do I want others to see me and have that first impression on who I am as a person based on what my "style is"...

Well, I can't say that I don't still struggle with this definition of myself on the day to day. But I am taking strides in the right direction to become more and more comfortable with making my own choice on what I choose to wear with out thinking " Is this too much?" or " Someone may say this is so unlike me to wear those printed pants and these high heels" 

Because at the end of it all. Its your choice and it's your body that you are dressing, so why take the one thing that gives you the most freedom in expression away or monetize it due to what some coworker or stranger on the street may say?

So here I am, wearing one of my favorite outfits to repeat - this army green jumpsuit from Urban Outfitters and a basket bag. Of which I do tend to wear once every two weeks since I purchased it about two months ago. The old me would think " don't you care if someone calls you out on wearing this multiple times? " - Well for that I can some one thing - Maybe I was a few months back  that person who would care and vow not to wear something again for a while after being called out as an "outfit repeater" but now I have chosen comfort and my own confidence in what I'm wearing, despite others opinions on how often or how uncharacteristic of me to do so...

I hope you do the same.

Because life is too short and clothes are way too much fun to keep yourself in a category.

Have a lovely week everyone!!



~P.S. I'm planning on posting every Monday, Wednesday & Friday going forward ~


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