Films That Inspire Me

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I love nothing more then to cozy up on the sofa and watch a good well made film with actors that can bring the story to life and leaving you wishing you could be a part of the it all, even if only for a few moments.

So I wanted to write a blog post including a few of my all time favorite - go to and re-watch anytime to lift my mood or to just get inspired again.

These are in no order in particular.

And I highly recommend that you give them a watch, if you fancy.

A Brief Encounter 1945

i'll admit as much as I love old movies, not many of them can keep me on the edge of my seat with my pillow clutched in my hands as I watch the scenes unfold before my eyes - but guys, this movie right here did just that. It randomly came on TCM as I was playing the channel in the background only to have some "noise" as I like to call it while I was cleaning my room. Then I noticed the music, captivating film noir cinematography and story line. I sat down on my bed to admire the opening shot of the train station scene and then didn't get up until it was over, an hour and a half later. It's slow to start, as most older films are but once it gets going you're simply in it - or at least as a hopeless romantic like myself, I was.

The Dreamers 2003

This film started a lot of things for me - first off my obsession with Eva Green, as an actress, fashion icon and all around cool french girl.. .and last but not least, the most important of them all - my new found love for in-depth meaningful films. Before this it was all romantic movies, romcoms and the occasional teenage tv show *cough cough The OC, Gossip Girl and others that will not be named* This movie introduced me to Paris in a way I have never seen before.

A Woman Is A Woman 1961

This was the very first Jean-Luc Godard film I ever watched.
It's a classic, as I'm sure you already know if you like me love anything from the french new wave moment. It is an iconic node to the start of the 60's and groundbreaking results of his work. From the fashion in it to the script and the humor of the message it encompasses this film is a must see.
Paris in the 1960's? Sign me up please.


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